Monday, February 14, 2011



This is a device that is used for the display of motion pictures. It was created my a man named Eadweard Muybridge in 1879. You may consider it the first movie projector. What this device does is it uses images from rotating glass disks in a very fast way to make it look like this image is in motion. At first they were painted on glass as silhouettes. Then they used outline drawings printed on disks photographically, and colored by hand. It's so crazy how much work actually went into ideas like this way back when. When you look at things now they seem so simple. I feel we should give credit to those who worked so hard to accomplish something like this. The man who invented this Muybrigde built his reputation first by taking photos of Yosemite and San Fransico. He also gave lectures on the Science of Animal Locomotion at the Zoopraxiscophical Hall, built specially for that purpose. Interesting Fact : In 1993 U2 made a music video to their song "Lemon" into a tribute to Muybridge's techniques!

1 comment:

  1. Great post - I've never seen the U2 video - do you have a link?
