Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Throughout my lifetime, I've been a huge fan of Ansel Adams. Though he may have the most precise and delicate type of work, I still find it extremely interesting and intriguing. It all began many years ago when my mother had a variety of different photography books laying throughout the entire house-- one of which was on Ansel Adams. I use to explore these books with great interest, and soon after became fascinated with Ansel Adams.

  Here, is one of the most common and famouse photographs Ansel Adams had taken. It still hangs on my mother's wall. Anyways, its always been my favorie photograph.

Ansel Adams work was not only nature based, Ansel adams also was an enviromentalist, and worked to help improve the enviroment. One thing I found I was unaware of was Ansel Adams was a commercial artist (Who would have thought!!!) yet, he spent much of his time photographing nature. I would expect that he was much better as a landscape and nature photographer than a commercial artist. I guess personally I couldn't see him doing such work.

Either way, I find Ansel Adams incredibly inspiring. I wish I could produce such magnificent work. Its truly mind-blowing that he can portray nature in such a way. His work is definitely unforgettful.

1 comment:

  1. Adams was also a life-long teacher, mostly in the form of workshops, and did a whole lot to promote photographic education. Nice post.
