Tuesday, February 1, 2011


• First of all, a Kinetoscope is a motion picture projector invented in 1888.
• Thomas Edison called it a Kinetoscope, “kineto” meaning movement, and “scopos” meaning to watch.
• The actual inventor though, was Edison’s assistant, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson. There was some controversy at the time about who actually would be contributed to the invention. Edison said that he created the idea and initiated the experiments, but apparently Dickson performed most of the experiments, so in the end he is credited with the actual invention.
• How does the Kinetoscope work, you may ask? Well, the illusion of a moving picture is created by rapidly passing film between a lens and a light bulb, while the viewer (only one person can watch at a time, which is why it’s been coined as a “peepshow”) looks through a peephole. Behind the peephole is a wheel that spins and has a slit that acts like a shutter. Pretty nifty!

Here’s a neat montage of Edison’s Kinetoscope films:
Check out this awesome silent film!!!!!:


  1. Even though Edison was not credited with the invention of the kinetoscope, it wouldn't have been possible without the lightbulb he invented.

  2. The silent films you posted are pretty fascinating. I love how the guy in the first clip straightens his moustache before he kisses his love. Great finds.
