Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Web Work 4

Pinhole Photography, also known as lensless photography. Pinhole cameras can either be purchased at a store, or they can be hand made. You can make them out of random objects such as seashells, pop cans, and cardboard boxes. A pinhole camera consists of a tiny hole that allows light to pass through onto either film or photographic paper. Most photographs made with this type of camera have really long exposures.

Below are some images of creative Pinhole cameras.

Below are some photographs I found really interesting that were taken with Pinhole Cameras.

Picture by Rob Gardiner. To see more of his photos click the link below

Picture by Steve Irvine

This is the sun's movement for half a year. Six-month, wide angled exposure..and this is what you get.... AMAZING! This picture is by far one of the coolest pictures I found while researching pinhole photography. This is definitely not something you can capture with a digital camera which is what makes pinhole cameras so unique and creative!

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