Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Web Work #8

I started my search through our photographer ( and other related items) list, for an interesting topic/person to review. I kept coming across photographers who are members of Magnum Photos. Well I did see it on the list and did search the net and find it - looked through it - thought it was worth more review ( i was more focused on finding a photographer to review) So I put a note next to it to remind me to check it out when I had more time...... But... when yet another photographer popped up as being a member of Magnum Photos - I just took that as a sign and therefore threw out any notion of actually doing a review of just a photographer and switch to doing my review on Magnum Photos :)

Magnum Photos was created in 1947 - two years after WWII by : Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David "Chim" Seymour. All these men were very traumatized by the war, yet happy that world had somehow survived it. Magnum was created for their desire to be both reporter and photographer - chronicling the lives of peoples, events, and life after the war.

Within 5 years more photographers joined Magnum and they always adding photographers every year. Now its not like you or I could just click on a link and hit "Join" like we so much today on Facebook and other sites. With Magnum you need submit your portfolio, and be accepted/voted in by it's members/photographers - it is a cooperative. In the last five years - each year they have added 0-5 new members. So it's not easy - you need to be very good at what you do to get accepted. Check out following video and images from just 2 of the member photographers that I found on our list.
Photographer: Bruce Gilden

Photographer: Eve Arnold

Magnum Photo is also a place for Photogs to sell their images to companies looking for great "life" photos. There is a bunch of war and famine pics on the site as well as people, famous and not. Color and black and white are both there. They seem to really appreciate all styles of photography - it is well diversified, I appreciate that - and it is a great source for us (students) to look for photographers to study and to just plain appreciate/acknowledge their work.

Great Video of images from Photo/Members of Magnum

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