Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Art Nouvea....(just really awesome). *webwork 4*

                                                       Art Nouveau on St. Petersburg St.
  • Art Nouveau, a style movement mainly in Europe, was from the 1880's to the 1910's.
  • This movement was more than just about style, it was a kind of way of breaking down the classical, and thinking about modern society and new production methods.
  • Artists during this movement looked at how art could be incorporated into everyday life.  It sounds like a fairly simple and obvious function fro art, right?  Well at the time, the concept was revolutionary.  Example: hanging a poster on a fence was now acceptable instead of hanging that poster in a fancy gallery.  There's nothing prissy about function, function, function!
  • Art Nouveau also touched on every form of art, from architecture, to furniture design, to textiles and jewelry.
  • This way of redefining the meaning and the nature of art was a distinct contrast to the traditional categories of fine art (simply painting and sculpture).
  • Art Nouveau obtained the nickname "the noodle style", because flat, decorative patterns, and intertwined organic forms of stems or flowers were used in all art forms commonly.
  • In terms of the use of materials, Art Nouveau totally emphasized handcrafting instead of machine manufacturing.
  • The main subjects with Art Nouveau were lavish birds and flowers, insects, and polymorphic (changeable, like a shape-shifter but not) femme fatale.  Also abstract lines and shapes are recognizable subject matter.
  • In addition, there is a purposeful lack of 3D in Art Nouveau pieces, applied by using less shading.  
  • So in conclusion, Art Nouveau = awesome/revolutionary noodle style art movement.

                                                            1890's Scena Illustrata

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are so excited by Art Nouvea - a very complete summary.
