Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mungo Ponton

Give a brief description of the movement, photographer, or term you researched. How are they significant to the history of photography (50-75 words)?
He is significant to history of photography because he was the first to create a method of permanent photography. Before his invention, Photographers had to take pictures that didn't finish for about ten minutes. When taking a picture, the people in front of the camera couldn't do any movements at all and so they had to close their eyes to make sure they wouldn't blink. Without Mungo, it would have taken a lot longer to create the method.
Write a short personal reaction to the movement, photographer or term you researched. What is interesting or not interesting about the work (50 – 75 words).
It is interesting to me because when someone takes a picture with a camera and don't understand how much work has gone into it. It would be funny to see if we would be using different technology today if he hadn't discovered the method of using sodium dichromate to make a permanent picture.
Name (please only include if it is ok to publish on blog): David Mozina

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