Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stereo Photography


Title: Danny in Stero

Artist: Travis Shinn


Year: 2007

Give a brief description of the movement, photographer, or term you researched. How are they significant to the history of photography (50-75 words)?

Steroscopes refers to two pictures, viewed at the same time. The two photos are nearly identical, but just slightly differnt. How ever, when the two photos are viewed at the same time, typiucally through a stero-lense, the two images apear to make one solid picture, usually creating an appearane of dept of view. Steroscopes were the first use of a '3D' image. Even in modern american film, the use of 3D is used commonly, especially in children's movies.


Write a short personal reaction to the movement, photographer or term you researched. What is interesting or not interesting about the work (50 – 75 words).

I persoannly love steroscopes, and '3D' movies that are being produced today. I remember using the Steroscope toy as a child, view photos of the Bambi, and other classic Disney films. In the photo is a member of modern rock band Tool. I picked the photo because it shows that sterogram are still being used today. Altough the images are better viewed with the glasses, it still shows a great feel of dept of field. With the glasses, pictures like these have a sense to 'pop', unlike most normal photo graphs.





Name (please only include if it is ok to publish on blog): Brandon Johnson

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