Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hill and Adamson

Title: Unknown
Artist: David Hill and Robert Adamson
Medium: Unknown
Year: 1843
Give a brief description of the movement, photographer, or term you researched. How are they significant to the history of photography (50-75 words)?

Lady Elizabeth Eastlake was always fond of drawing since she was young and continued to study art until her twenties. In 1857 she would publish an essay on the relationship between art and photography, showing she was knowledgeable about the new and mysterious art and discussing its strengths and weaknesses. Elizabeth married Sir Charles Eastlake president of the Royal Academy, Director of the National Gallery, and first President of the Royal Photographic Society. She became an author and critic and in 1857 she published groundbreaking article photography one of the first histories of the medium that also championed photography as a fine art.

Write a short personal reaction to the movement, photographer or term you researched. What is interesting or not interesting about the work (50 – 75 words).

I think that is very interesting that she didn't marry until she was fourty and that the traveled and did their work. I also am interested in how since a young age she has loved drawing and then she decided to study art until her twenties. I like how she combined writing and critic and how she published a groundbreaking article in photography as one of the first histories of the medium, that championed photography as an art. I was very interested in that and how she became who she is today.

Name (please only include if it is ok to publish on blog): Katlin

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