Thursday, September 9, 2010

Andre Disderi

Title: Caricature of the artist
Artist: André Disdéri
Medium: daguerreotypist
Year: 1861
Give a brief description of the movement, photographer, or term you researched. How are they significant to the history of photography (50-75 words)?
            Andre Disderi is a French photographer who was born in 1819.  He also created the carte de visite also known as the “visiting card.”  Also, he invented the twin-lens reflex camera.  The visiting cards were made with four lenses and a sliding plate holder which is called the stereoscopic camera.  Disderi died in 1889 in a mentally ill facility called Hôpital Ste. Anne in Paris.
Write a short personal reaction to the movement, photographer or term you researched. What is interesting or not interesting about the work (50 – 75 words).
            The picture I choose is him and also by him, it’s called the Caricature of the artist.  One of the things that I thought was interesting is it kind of looks like a picture you would find in a comic book because he looks like a cartoon in the picture because he is bigger than everyone else and like the comics that have to do with Obama, he also has a big head.  I also like how the people look amazed or at least I think they look amazed. 
Name (please only include if it is ok to publish on blog):

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