Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Clarence White School of Photography

Title: Study of a Dancer

Artist: Clarence H. White and Doris Ulmann

Medium: Photograph

Year: 1910

Give a brief description of the movement, photographer, or term you researched. How are they significant to the history of photography?

The Clarence H. White School of Photography, which produced many of the best-known photographers of the Twentieth century including Margaret Bourke-White, Ralph Steiner, Dorothea Lange, and Paul Outerbridge, was founded in 1914. Clarence White, who also colaberated with Alfred Steiglitz to co-found the Photo-Secession, an elite group dedicated to furthering photography as an art form, Founded the school and became one of the first instructors at the school.

Write a short personal reaction to the movement, photographer or term you researched. What is interesting or not interesting about the work.

The White School was the first in America to teach photography as an art form and to integrate design into its curriculum. The school was dedicated to imbuing the craft of photography with the values and principles of art. The curriculum emphasized pictorial construction based on pattern and brought abstract design into photography.

Name: Joe Ulwelling

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