Wednesday, May 11, 2011

web work 6: Jacob Riis

Jacob Riis
was a Danish American who known for his photojournalistic talents, as they led to social reform. During the late 1800s and early 1900s Riis sought to help out the poor and draw attention to unsuitable living conditions and people stuck living in the slums and impoverished areas of New York. He wanted to illustrate these people so that society would stop ignoring them and realize just how bad conditions were. Riis sympathized with the poor because he himself had once been poor in the New York area, but then got a job working as police reporter, where he also wrote about life in the slums. Riis did a lot of work sneaking into dark corner bars with his flash camera, set off the flash, take the picture and then get out of there.

For his full Bio, click here:

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