Monday, May 9, 2011

Web Work 9- Douglas Beasley


Horse in Badlands

Douglas Beasley's work has a peacfulness and serenity that is absolutley apealing! He some how manages to turn photographs that could just be any ordinary picture and turns them into something truly inpspiring. You can sense his passion in his work, and the message he is trying to bring forth. I beleive that his is trying to give people a sense of hope, faith, and belief through his picutres and he does it with great success.

His work has been published internationally, and featured in multiple magazines. Beasley is the founder, as well as, director of Vision Quest Photo Workshops which are held in various places around the world. At these workshops, he focuses on personal expression and creative thinking of the mechanic of the camera. He has one book published, and another to be published in the fall of 2011. He does not stop there, he also does work for fine art based commericals and editorial assignments througout the world. He currently is resided in a seculded home in St. Paul, Minnesota. He uses his images as the starting point for his viewers own spiritual journey.

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